Cafe in German

Names of drinks and snacks you order in a cafe in German
German topic: Cafe, picture of das Cola
das Cola
German topic: Cafe, picture of das Limo
das Limo
German topic: Cafe, picture of der Fruchtsaft
der Fruchtsaft
German topic: Cafe, picture of das Wasser
das Wasser
German topic: Cafe, picture of der Kaffee
der Kaffee
German topic: Cafe, picture of der Tee
der Tee
German topic: Cafe, picture of die Milch
die Milch
German topic: Cafe, picture of der Zucker
der Zucker
German topic: Cafe, picture of der Kuchen
der Kuchen
German topic: Cafe, picture of das Eis
das Eis
German topic: Cafe, picture of das Bier
das Bier
German topic: Cafe, picture of der Wein
der Wein
German topic: Cafe, picture of das Sandwich
das Sandwich
German topic: Cafe, picture of die Pommes frites
die Pommes frites
German topic: Cafe, picture of der Tisch
der Tisch
German topic: Cafe, picture of die Kellnerin
die Kellnerin
German topic: Cafe, picture of die Serviette
die Serviette
German topic: Cafe, picture of der Strohhalm
der Strohhalm
German topic: Cafe, picture of die Rechnung
die Rechnung
German topic: Cafe, picture of das Wechselgeld
das Wechselgeld
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