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See intermediate topics

Family - members

Family - my siblings

Body - parts of the body

Body - the head

Body - hair colour and style

People - portraits

People - appearance

People - clothes 1

People - clothes 2

People - jobs

People - health problems

Animals - pets

Animals - farm

Activity - daily routine

Activity - hobbies

Activity - sports

Activity - holidays

Food - fruit

Food - vegetables

Food - groceries

Food - restaurant

Food - drinks and snacks


Home - my room

Home - rooms in the house

Home - helping at home 1

Home - helping at home 2

Home - in the garden

School - classroom objects

School - subjects

School - activities

Place - where I live

Place - homes

Place - shops

Place - meeting places

Place - places in town

Go - means of transport

Go - on holiday

Go - which way?

Go - where?

World - European countries

World - environment

World - weather

Time - what time is it?

Time - spring and summer

Time - autumn and winter

Numbers - 1 to 10

Numbers - 11 to 20

Numbers - to 100 (1)

Numbers - to 100 (2)

Grammar - adjectives 1

Grammar - adjectives 2

Grammar - verbs 1

Grammar - verbs 2

Grammar - prepositions 1

Grammar - prepositions 2

No topic selected yet

MIX AND MATCH game to learn German

Drag and drop game: match picture blocks to labelled German boxes to tidy the room

In this game we are in a room with lots of toys - and the room needs clearing up - you need to put the play blocks back in the right boxes to tidy the room and win the game...but which is the right box for each block?

Well, you can work that out by comparing the picture on the block with the German writing beneath each of the boxes - you should drag the block into the box whose German text matches the picture.

German Mix & match game to learn / revise vocab + grammar

You can listen to the spoken German for each word or phrase by clicking on the individual boxes. There are 5 blocks to clear up - but if you put them in the wrong boxes, there will be more... Anyway, tidy is good and practicing German is better so start now and see how you get on...

This game reinforces the German you learnt or revised in the lesson by asking you to match each picture to the correct word or phrase. If you are older you may not like the childish reference to toys, but don't worry - there are other games to play and who knows - you might like a trip down memory lane?

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How to play Mix and match to learn German

Play Mix and match to learn German at

There are 5 blocks that need putting away to tidy the play room. Drag (they are heavy..) the blocks to the correct boxes.

  1. Click on "PLAY" on the settings page to start the game.
  2. You see the first picture block and 3 possible boxes to put it in.
  3. Beneath each box is a German word or phrase.
  4. Click on a box to hear the spoken audio for that vocabulary.
  5. Click on the picture block and drag it to the box where it belongs.
  6. If you are correct, the block will stay in the box, the ball will roll and the teddy bear will do a little jump!
  7. If you are wrong, a wrong sound will play and the block will jump back to where it was.
  8. Clear all 5 picture blocks to complete the game.
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