Fruit and veg in German

Names of fruit and vegetables in German
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Tomaten
die Tomaten
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Kartoffeln
die Kartoffeln
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of der Lauch
der Lauch
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Gurke
die Gurke
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of das Kraut
das Kraut
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Erbsen
die Erbsen
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Karotten
die Karotten
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Zwiebeln
die Zwiebeln
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of der Knoblauch
der Knoblauch
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Bohnen
die Bohnen
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Bananen
die Bananen
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of der Apfel
der Apfel
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Birne
die Birne
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Erdbeeren
die Erdbeeren
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Orange
die Orange
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Weintrauben
die Weintrauben
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Ananas
die Ananas
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Pflaumen
die Pflaumen
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Zitrone
die Zitrone
German topic: Fruit and veg, picture of die Kirschen
die Kirschen
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