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Free German tests to learn Media

Use our German tests for the topic "Media" to check your German Media vocabulary with our 2 quick and simple tests. The German you will be tested on is in the vocabulary list below - so don't look unless you have to.

1die Dokumentationdocumentary
2die Sportsendungsports programme
3die Werbungadvert
4die Musiksendungmusic programme
5die Quizshowquiz show
6die Nachrichtennews
7der Wetterberichtweather-forecast
8der Trickfilmcartoon
9der Gartenratgebergardening programme
10der Ratgeber für Heimwerkerhome improvement programme
11der Actionfilmaction film
12der Horrorfilmhorror film
13der Science-Fiction-Filmscience-fiction film
14der Westernwestern film
15die romantische Komödieromantic comedy
16die Zeitungnewspaper
17die Zeitschriftmagazine
18das Buchbook
19die DVDDVD
20die Videokassettevideo-tape

These German tests are designed to round off your learning experience here at by testing whether you can correctly recognize the language you have learnt (in the multiple choice test) and that you can correctly write out that language (in the writing test).

Make sure you have chosen the correct topic before starting! Although these tests are timed, try to relax and concentrate on getting the answers right at first - later you can try the tests again more quickly.

The two types of tests are:
  1. A multiple choice quiz to check your recall of the spoken and/or written German.
  2. A writing test to check your written German for the selected topic.
Key features of our German tests include:
  • You can do these tests at home (or at school) without the help of a teacher.
  • You can repeat our tests as often as you need to improve your scores.
  • The tests check your vocabulary and comprehension for the topic.
  • The writing test also checks your written / typed German for the topic.

You should expect to score 8+ / 10 in each test before you select a new topic. It is a good idea to repeat the test for each topic you do after two weeks to 'reinforce' the language for that topic

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How to use our German tests

  1. On the settings screen, select the test you would like to take.
  2. A new screen will open with information concerning the test.
  3. When you are ready to begin, click "Start the test".

See below for detailed instructions on using the two tests:

Multiple choice test

This is a multiple choice activity similar to "What is it" in the German lessons - you are shown a randomly selected picture from the topic you are using. A selection of 5 texts from your topic are displayed as a list. Click on the speaker button to hear the audio for that text.

Multiple choice test to revise German at

For each picture, you must click on the word/s that match that picture. If your answer is correct you will hear a bell and one star will be lit. The next picture will be shown. If your answer is wrong, a box will open showing you what the correct answer was.

The test is timed, and the clock starts when you click the Start button. At the end of your test a screen will tell you how many of the questions you got right and how long you took to complete the test.

Writing test

The writing test checks whether you can type the topic vocabulary using your keyboard. This test is also timed. You can do the test many times until you get a good score. To start the test, click on the "Writing test" sign in the navigation board, then click on the "Start the test" arrow.

Writing test to practice German spelling at

A random picture from your selected topic is shown. Beneath the picture there is a white box into which you should type the words you have learnt for that picture. If you need a little help you can click on the "Help me" button for a quick reminder of the vocabulary. Only use the help if you really need to.

If you type the word or words correctly the program will automatically light a star. If you have entered your answer and no star lights up, click on the tick or press Enter on your keyboard to check your answer. When you have tried all the questions, a screen will show you how many questions you answered correctly and how long it took.

* Try to score 8 out of 10 in both test before you choose a new topic *
* It is OK to do the tests many times if you need to *

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