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Thumbnail for german-games.net language learning game 'UXO'
Aim: Knock out the objects, avoid the bombs
Click or tap and hold to destroy the objects while avoiding the bombs. When you knock out all 10 targets, you must answer the question to continue to the next level. There is a time limit of 30 seconds to get all 10 targets or you lose 50 points.
Activity - sports
Activity - sports

UXO game to learn German :
Activity - sports

UXO is a "click to clear" game with multiple targets at different levels

Play UXO to learn German at german-games.net

UXO is a fun game to learn German where you attempt to knock over all the target objects in a level while not clicking / tapping on the bombs. You will find if you are on desktop that it is easier to hold down the mouse button and drag over the objects rather than clicking on them.

With our UXO game for "Sports" you will be learning the German vocabulary for the topic Sports. The language you will learn is in the vocabulary list below, and consists of 10 Sentences about sports you do.

1Ich fahre mit dem Rad.I cycle.
2Ich reite.I go horse riding.
3Ich schwimme.I swim.
4Ich spiele Fußball.I play football.
5Ich fahre mit dem Skateboard.I skateboard.
6Ich spiele Hockey.I play hockey.
7Ich spiele Tischtennis.I play table tennis.
8Ich laufe.I run.
9Ich gehe Schlittschuhlaufen.I iceskate.
10Ich spiele Tennis.I play tennis.

After each level, win an additional 50 points by correctly answering a German question from your selected topic. Wrong answers lose you 20 points but you can attempt to answer multiple times.

Each level lasts 30 seconds: if you haven't cleared all the targets in that time, you lose 50 points. High scores can be added to the UXO leaderboards if you wish.

Notes on the UXO game

  • This is a fast paced game of clicking or dragging over moving targets.
  • Also suitable for tablets and mobiles (it's actually easier than with a mouse)
  • Answer German questions correctly for a higher score
  • Hit all the targets in 30 seconds or you lose points.

Music : Robotertanz by Shane Ivers

Images sourced from Pixabay by the following artists:

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How to play UXO to learn
Sports in German

Screenshot of UXO to learn German at german-games.net

UXO is a "click to clear" game with targets to hit and bombs to avoid.

  1. In each level of UXO, hit all the target objects.
  2. You can clear targets by clicking on them or by dragging over them with the mouse down.
  3. You have 30 seconds in each level to clear the targets.
  4. There are 10 levels max in the game.
  5. In the first level there are 10 targets and 5 bombs.
  6. The number of targets increases by one in each level.
  7. You get 10 points for each target you hit.
  8. You lose 5 points for each bomb you hit.
  9. When you have hit all the targets or 30 seconds have elapsed, you get a German question from your selected topic.
  10. Answering the question correctly adds 50 points to your score.
  11. A wrong answer takes 20 points away from your score.
  12. If you get a question wrong, you can try to answer again.
  13. Your final score is a combination of your targets score minus your bombs score plus the points you get from the German questions.
  14. There is highest score leaderboard for each topic.
  15. The highest possible score for a 10 question topic is 1950.
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