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Move the cat to catch the white mice, hit the blue balloons, but avoid the red ones
With our Cat and mouse game for "Measurement" you will be learning the German vocabulary for the topic Measurement. The language you will learn is in the vocabulary list below, and consists of 20 Words used to describe the amount or number of things.
1 | eine Dose | a tin of.. | |
2 | eine Flasche | a bottle of.. | |
3 | ein Glas | a jar of.. | |
4 | ein Sack | a sack of.. | |
5 | eine Tüte | a packet of.. | |
6 | eine Schachtel | a box of.. | |
7 | eine Tube | a tube of.. | |
8 | eine Tragetasche | a bag of.. | |
9 | ein Teelöffel | a teaspoon of.. | |
10 | ein Esslöffel | a tablespoon of.. | |
11 | eine Prise | a pinch of.. | |
12 | ein Halber | half | |
13 | drei Viertel | three quarters | |
14 | ein Viertel | quarter | |
15 | ein Dutzend | a dozen | |
16 | ein Paar | a pair of.. | |
17 | ein Stück | a slice of.. | |
18 | ein halber Liter | half a litre of.. | |
19 | ein Liter | a litre of.. | |
20 | ein Kilo | a kilo of.. | |
A cat versus mouse game with added balloons for German and fun. You are the ginger cat, and your life is being made a misery by some white mice which have come into the house and are proving hard to catch. Not to mention there is a mouse house party going on and lots of balloons getting in the way of your hunting.
So you have to catch the white mice, forget about the grey mice, hit the blue balloons but avoid the red balloons, and answer German language questions (you are a CLEVER cat...). If it sounds complicated and a bit frantic, that's because it is. Do your best but don't worry if you can't catch all the mice - neither can we. It's a cat's life...
CAT AND MOUSE is a quirky take on the perennial emnity of ponderous predator and plucky prey. Here are the basics:
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